#carley batdr
raven-anime · 2 years
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finish my redesign for everyone in my au @everyoneishappystudio​ 
wait but what this?
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that right carley is a part of my au now!
Really pround of those design in general, hope everyone like it
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macs-doodles · 4 months
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Love your stuff man, can I get audrey bendy susie allison and carly(the ghost girl) x a reader that is a living shadow like dr facilier's shadow and can manipulate people through there shadows, Again love your stuff.
Audrey,bendy,susie,allison and carly x shadow reader that can manipulate living matter
Of course u can!
Has been proofread!
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Considering the fact that shes been bothered by all sorts of things since shes entered this inky hell,I think it's safe to say she would be somewhat surprised apon initially finding you
That's until she finds out that you can interact with people through their shadows
Shes honestly terrified once she finds you practically playing ping pong with some stray searchers
The ink around the place dosnt help,it becomes harder to locate you when your against a almost pitch black surface
Once befriended you though all the things that were a issue before became an uperhand
If shes ever in trouble,should a searcher get to close you can pull it back and just hold it there
She finds it funny when you hold one back and it has no idea what tf is going on
After friending you she finds your powers cool and not as terrifying
You can create little puppet shows for her and manipulate shadows to dance and do stuff
Audrey finds you a massive help when navigating through the place
When she manages to escape you bet shes taking you with her
Once in the real world you can have alot more freedom and it's easier to find you now that the hallways have colour.
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He knows of all the weird creatures that live in the studio,its his realm
Yet he hadnt seen you before
A shadow,that can manipulate living matter by using their shadows?
How interesting
Would probally take a similar approach with you like he did with audrey
If your even made out of ink
He likes to watch when you mess around with people's shadows,tripping up searchers and fucking around with the lost souls
If you ever manage to trip up Wilson you'll definatly get on bendys "do not kill yet"list
He dosnt know how you can even exist because your literally a shadow,do you perhaps have a seperate body somewhere in the studio?perhaps only your shadow appears
He trys to find a logical explanation but cant so he kinda just goes "well if you dont help Wilson or audrey then u stay away"
He dosnt care about you if your not a threat,hes annoyed he cant talk telepathicly or controll u though
Once he bonds with you though you can be a pretty nasty duo
If anybody tries to run away I dont think theyll get very far,
The studio is abit slippery today,or maybe it's the fact that you tripped them over
Well either way they fell head over heels,just like bendy did for you
Anyways,intruders dont get far as you drag them to wherever the ink demon is to take care of them
If you play with his shadow he will get annoyed so dont do that
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Shes been around the studio for God knows how long,so of course she knows about the things the ink creates
However she had never seen a being quiet like you
Shes not bothered by you until you pull on her arm and mess with her,she thinks it's a lurcher trying to annoy her at first until she comes to the realization that shes alone
After that she dosnt like to see you
She thinks that your always gonna pull on her hair or something and since your a shadow she cant do anything,so she just leaves,not being bothered to deal with you when more important matters are at hand
She eventually talk to you when your both in the same room,although the conversation starts out rough,she dosnt like being messed with,especially when she cant do anything to stop it
After eventually getting over her grudge she speaks to you...passively?
Relatively passivly
Eventually a friendship starts to bloom though
Theres a very high chance you could bond over a common hatred for the ink demon
Definatly asks if you can fuck around with audrey and Wilson
You can both be quite scary when in the same room,especially if one of them has something against you
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Shes a survivor,she knows the things that lurk in the shadows of the ink but shes also not afraid to stand her ground against them
Once coming across you,allison will immidatly deem you as a threat,nothing is as it seems in the studio
When she finds out that you can move people through their shadows etc,shes not surprised,like mentioned previously,the things in this realm are made to deceive you
If you become troublesome for her and Tom then she will light candles everywhere or choose lit up areas,only venturing into dim ones when shes sure your not lurking around a corner
Once she somewhat friends you,you can be a massive help,she found out that you can also interact with stuff like bacon soup,so sometimes you go out getting supplies so they dont get injured by the ink demon or anything
Tom warms up to you surprisingly quick(its because you spoil him)
She does eventually admit that maybe she judged you to hard to being with
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Considering the fact that shes a ghost aswell she'd be very intrigued by a shadow like you
Shes probally the only one on this list who isnt surprised that you can interact with peoples shadows,shes just not that surprised anymore
That's not to say she isnt impressed
She cant really "interact" with the living
Although she can scare people,moving things etc isnt really her forte
You two get along amazingly almost immediately
Its probally due to the fact that you both dont have a physicall body
The two of you could probally cause most people a heart attack
Both of you are very annoying towards audrey
And no audrey will get no breaks from your antics
You both mess around with the butcher gang alot alswell,one time accidentally causing a fight to break out amongst themselves
Wilson gets alot of problems from the both of you
If the old man needs to sleep hes not getting any,at all
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Can anybody just go into the posters? Or is that something only Bendy can do?
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Carley: So I think that count
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Carley was originally created in 1935 by an employee of Joey, this woman is known as Jane Todd. The artist was very passionate about her character Carley and created her in nearly two months of the butcher gangs debut episode.
The young woman showed her co-workers her character who she was very proud of and adored the ghost.
She was extremely disappointed and upset after her co-workers crumpled up her drawings. Jane tried to ignore their 'critiques' and remained determined as she strives to make her character join the Butcher Gang and bring her into the Bendy shows. She was successful after she built the courage to show Drew her character a year after its creation. (1936)
Drew himself seemed reluctant but his daughter was ecstatic. The young girl absolutely adored Carley, and would continuously bug Drew about the ghost being in the show. Jane was overwhelmed with joy when the girl went on and on about how much she adored Carley and even drew fanart for Jane.
Joey soon welcome Jane’s character after many many begs from his daughter. The woman was surprised but overloaded with happiness. She often bragged to the co-workers who discouraged her.
The ghosts debut was in October of 1936, her episode being named 'Phasmophobia'. In said episode, it’s a Halloween special. Bendy and Beebee go to a scary looking house. The Imps ring the doorbell multiple times, desperate for candy. after getting impatient Beebee suggests they leave. However, Bendy was determined and found a way inside. The two entered, ghosts roamed the house, Carley being the main antagonist. The episode mainly focused on frightening the Imps until they ran out. 3 minutes in, Beebee dragged Bendy out the house in a panic. The haunting episode ending with Carley laughing at the Imps as they ran away before winking at the audience.
In later episodes, Carley is seen following the butcher gang around. Bendy and Beebee interfere with the ghosts attempts of being noticed by the gang. Only the young spider Edgar noticing her. The little spider often interacted with the ghost, getting her noticed by Barley and Charley. The ghost only accompanying the gang to care for Edgar, like a big sister. However she saw this as officially being apart of the gang.
Despite the gang having a hatred towards Bendy and Beebee, Edgar and Carley seemed friendly with the two(frenemies perhaps)
The ghost often seemed embarrassed or shy when around Beebee. The two even had a episode together 'Starry night'. In said episode, Carley attempts to ask Beebee to watch the stars with her. Bendy and Edgar encourage her, however, the ghost is hesitant. She tries to make the night perfect, though the female imp seems to enjoy the event with the ghost despite Carley making many mistakes. The episode ends with the imp giving the ghost a pec on the cheek. Beebee was seen as Carleys love interest, it was never clear if the female demon has the same affection, but it is believed so.
Despite Carley being accepted by Joey, she was later removed after a year of her existence on the show. The ghost didn’t appear for 36 years, like Azael and Beebee, the ghost was a background character. However she was later revamped by arch gate(1972) keeping her for good.
(Arrrr zip it already. Ummmm I want more Carley in canon…..she’s very cool! ^_^ )
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halfusek · 2 years
i really REALLY do not like carley as a character. like why does she exist. petition to hit her with a car
there was so many things they could have done with her that would have been more fun than whatever that was TToTT
really feels like they just wanted to add something new to the gameplay... that is really just a random jumpscare that is more annoying than anything
the only thing i like about it is that - from what i understand - joey likes peoples determination to get what they want and the artist that wanted to make this character seemed really determined, so that's maybe how she got what she wanted
...unless that didn't happen IRL, just in this iteration of the cycle. which would be. weird. considering wilson has been controlling it now
it's just weird overall man
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zibiscusloon · 2 years
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crimsbun · 2 years
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queenofcats17 · 2 years
I was thinking about the new Butcher Gang member, Carley, and here’s what I think her personality is like.
I think she’s a bit of a hell raiser. Just a feral girl who will absolutely charge into danger without a second though. So she’s just charging into a situation without thinking while Charley and Barley are yelling, “Hey! We had a plan!”
I also feel like she probably regularly talks Edgar into bad decisions.
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nikkiandwendywolfie · 2 years
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She’s a tough ghost! 👻🖤
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multi-level-shipper · 2 years
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Kitty Thompson's VA did some polls, apparently the Wilson OC is named Dudley/Shipahoy Dudley, and Carley's ink form is named Slicer
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raven-anime · 5 months
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Poly lesbian for the win boy also happy lesbian week
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macs-doodles · 1 month
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My best friend my make my Amazing oc character style art for me in bendy and the dark revival oc art character, and I made him style art character self, I really happy to make Amazing character art style, its really for friends do and don't even try block my tumblr channel, I dare you ok ? 🥰🥰🥰
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Hey barley! i like ya cut g! (slaps barleys bald head)
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OH oh...
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flightless-stranger · 2 years
I have mixed feelings about Carley/Slicer as a character, though I found the premise of her creation very interesting! And I wish they would have explored her a little more than just an audio log.
I also thought it could be fun to try and mimic the animation style of rubberhose, and though I don't think I did it justice, it was a fun project!
This is basically a snippet of an idea of what might have happened if Carley and the butcher gang had met in the cartoons.
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